Why You Need to Stop Using Coach Jargon on Your Website (Hint: You're Losing Customers)

copywriting how to webcontent writingtips Nov 18, 2021

You might get stuck trying to write content for your coaching website, and that's totally normal!

In this post, we're going to cover a few things NOT to include in your coaching website... but don't worry. I won't leave you hanging - I'll show you how to flip the script from too-coachy, to a website that resonates with a reader.


Take out a sheet of paper and draw two columns.

At the top of one column, write: 

1) What they COME to me for

At the top of the second column, write:

2)  What they ACTUALLY get

Here's an example: 
What they COME to me for (BEFORE): At their wit's end trying to lose weight

What they ACTUALLY get (AFTER): Confidence, step into their power as a woman

Here's where almost everyone goes wrong: 

People are writing their coaching website content around the second column, What they ACTUALLY get (AFTER).

The problem is, your website visitor has NO idea what things like "Confidence," "Step into your power as a woman," "Find your voice" actually mean in their daily life because they are not in the after. They're in the BEFORE column.

They have no idea how "confidence" will help them avoid buying another sized-up wardrobe that they don't want.

They don't know how "finding their voice" will help them rise to the top of their industry.

They have no idea how "feeling empowered" will help them succeed as a parent AND a driven professional.

You have to stop talking about the "after," and speak to the conversation that the reader is having in their head. The BEFORE.

(Yes, I realize that all your clients who have given you testimonials use the word "confident" - because they're the after).

It's time to de-center the coach, and CENTER the reader.

What happens if you maintain industry jargon, talking about the "after," on your website:

X Your mom and dad will be really proud of you for launching your business and you'll get a lot of "That's nice, dear"

X You'll send your website to a potential referral partner who will have ZERO idea how to refer you or who to send to you

X When you send a reader to your website from social media, they'll feel inspired, maybe, and click away.. they'll have no idea that your service is for them

Look, a website isn't poetry and it's not a creative writing exercise.

It's about doing thorough research into the way that your website reader is talking about their REAL problems, and speaking their language.

This is called discovering your "VOICE OF CUSTOMER".

Here at Catalyst Design Lab, a HUGE part of our process is helping our clients speak to their ideal client in a way that makes them feel acknowledged and validated.

They need to see a MIRROR of themselves, right now, when they arrive at your site.

Here's a quick fix before we get to Part 2 of this blog: (Think College Essay 101)

Any place you've used a coach industry jargon word like "empowerment," "find your voice," or "step into your power"....

Find at least 3 specific examples to back up that jargon word.

For example, if you claim: 
"I help women find their voice and get confident as a leader"...

So they can do WHAT?

Speak up and get recognized at meetings where top level leadership are attending 

Stop avoiding conflict and have tough conversations with her team so they can perform at their best, and all get the credit they deserve for their work

Stop checking emails and work texts and Slack messages all evening when her children are desperate for her attention, so she no longer has to feel like she's not doing anything right

Can you feel the difference? If I was a frazzled, driven mom trying to play nice but getting no where in m career and feeling guilty about ignoring my kids to create a great life for them...

Am I going to resonate with "get confident as a leader?"

Or, am I going to read those 3 bullet points above and think "Holy crap, this person is like a fly on my wall. How can they help me?" (And honestly, at that point of connection they don't care WHAT you're selling... they just want the help). Hello, ridiculous diet industry. They know exactly what to say to get people to buy anything... and it's all BEFORE. We are going to use this power for good, not evil).

Here's your assignment: 

Go through your website and highlight any coaching terms that might not be clear to someone who has never been coached.

Find at least 1 real-life example of how that coaching jargon word translates into your reader's actual life. Add it in there, or replace the jargon word.

This includes "Stuck," "Trapped," "Empowered," "Step into your power," (In fact ANYTHING having to do with power), and "Confidence".

I'm not saying you can't USE them. 

I'm suggesting you think about what that means to the website visitor from their perspective, and add that perspective to your site.

After all, acknowledging and validating is kind of your thing, isn't it coach?  Meeting them where they're at? 

It's that simple.


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