How to Use Your Testimonials Effectively On Your Website

copywriting how to webcontent Nov 17, 2021

Your clients get super results with you, and they give you some great, long, juicy testimonials.

So you put them all on a "Praise" page on your website...

Or pop them in and around your site with a nice headshot of the client....

But here's the thing: Just sticking your long, rambling testimonials all over the site, o
r listing them out on a page... is doing nothing.
It could actually be HURTING the reader's experience of your brand.
You might be randomly posting a testimonials that UN-PROVES your brand promise!
Here's HOW to use your beautiful testimonials in a way that actually gives SOCIAL PROOF.
A testimonial is only a testimonial - a client's words about their experience with you.
It only becomes PROOF when it supports a piece of copy on your website.
Here's how to do it:

🤓 EDIT your testimonials! Do not include long blocks of testimonial copy that NO ONE WILL READ. Edit testimonials down to the most important, most impactful words and phrases. HINT: Think OUTCOMES.
😎 Place your edited testimonials around your site strategically where they ACTUALLY speak directly to the promise or claim you've made on your site.
😍 Where you don't have a piece of social proof that supports a claim, find a statistic or other piece of data that connects your service to the outcome your reader wants.
Testimonials only become social proof when they're proving something!
Well thought-out social proof placement communicates to the web reader that prior clients have gotten the results your brand is promising. Social proof will strengthen the claims you've made on your website.
"Laying Social Proof" is a step in our Web Copy Advantage process that we only do once the copy is completed.
In fact, we often end up eliminating the whole "Praise" page so that there's more room in the navigation for actual service offers.
What's the nicest piece of praise you've gotten from a client?

Want to go totally pro, skip the writer's block, and get back to doing what you love - coaching? The Web Copy Advantage is for YOU.

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