Why Is Your Business Taking So Long To Take Off?

copywriting how to life coaching webcontent Nov 29, 2021
business shortcuts

You've opened your doors for business and you're ready to take in clients and serve and get out of your soul-sucking job like YESTERDAY.

You've done the math, and if you just had X number of clients per month, you'd be set to start transitioning out.

So.... where are they? Where are the discovery calls, the inquiries, the clients who are paying your full rate? 

(Here's a shift: We could REALLY stop saying "I'm BUILDING" my business. More on that in another post... but let's start saying "RUNNING" my business. You should be operating as the supervisor, not the brick layer.)

SHORTCUTS AHEAD! And, a couple truthful moments so we can all manage our expectations and stop being so hard on ourselves.

Here's a few observations from my 15+ years as a copywriter and business coach to life coaches, not-for-profits, and small businesses:

1) It takes at least 3-5 years to set up and run a business smoothly. Any course, FB ad, or sales page that tells you that "If you just follow this one formula you'll go from newbie to 6-figures in 3 months" is bogus crap. Can it be shorter? Yes. We're talking averages here. Most people starting a side hustle are not working it full time and do it in fits and starts. 

2) For most service providers, their first incomes are through referral partnerships, joint ventures, word of mouth, and the friends-and-family network.  WORK THAT, while you work on building up the other marketing systems like a mailing list. 

3) Invest up front in the things that matter. We are so accustomed to the digital age of business, where you can start a business for virtually nothing. . . that we have forgotten that businesses require start up capital. All marketing  - referrals, social media, recommendations from your mom - POINT TO A WEBSITE. Invest in a website and copy that CONVERTS.

 4) Get your messaging clear, and make sure it's written in a way that the listener can understand. The #1 mistake that heart-centered service providers make in their messaging is to go on and on with words that describe a process instead of outcomes.
No one cares if you "Make vacuums with the horsepower of a small muscle car".
They care that you "Make vacuums that clean your floors so good the kids can eat off them, in a fraction of the time".

Very few people have the luxury of quitting their jobs and working on marketing their offers and services full-time. That's why, instead of trying to learn all the things through courses that never get finished - it's worth your up-front investment to hire folks who can get you moving faster, while you focus on networking and serving.

At Catalyst Design Lab, we're here to shortcut:

√ Your website content

√ Your website design

√ Your social media marketing

√ Your SEO Foundations

√ Your email marketing and tech stacks 

√ ... And more!

Just grab a seat and let's talk about the vision for your business, and how we can help you get there sooner.


Want to go totally pro, skip the writer's block, and get back to doing what you love - coaching? The Web Copy Advantage is for YOU.

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